
Monday, February 25, 2013

Hello Baby!

So Happy Monday to you. Life has been so full lately that I haven't had time to blog. In fact, I should be doing something else right now, but alas! Here I am.

Our family of five has multiplied. We're now plus one tiny bundle of joy [and screaming at the top of her lungs]. But guess what? I'm not complaining because this is the blessing. Yes, I'm extraordinarily tired, home schooling is slow-going, the house is messy, the laundry is backed up, and there's more of me than there was before, and less to go around; but this bundle of big lungs is the answer to many prayers.
Welcome Baby Zoey.

The three littles have really bad colds. We've had long days and even longer nights, but God is so good.   Did I mention how tired I am? Well, someone who really loves me has offered to treat me to a day at the spa. I would say I was threatened, really. It was more like, "You make the appointment or I will." So there. I will comply. I promise.

A friend reminded us that these days (and long nights) don't last forever, so enjoy them.



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