
Monday, March 18, 2013

What if . . .

I ate less, so someone else could live? Our family is processing exactly how we could do that. Our grocery bill is a lot and I'm ashamed to say how much usually gets tossed at the end of the week. We did not grocery shop this week, but tried to live off what we already had. The kids complained about there not being food in the pantry. The truth is there was food, just not as many choices.

My kids got a hot bowl of home made chicken noodle soup and home baked bread for dinner last night,  but how many kids ate nothing? It's hard to fathom a parent not being able to provide food for a hungry child. Can you imagine that? What if you're child looked at you and asked for food, and you literally had none. Not only don't you have it,but you have no way of getting it. What does that do to the parent? What does it do to the child?

As we consider this lenten season, would you think about what sacrifice you can make for the poor? If I could paraphrase John Piper for just a second. He said, In world missions, you have three choices, go, send [prayer, money, resource, etc] or disobey. I'm sure his words were more eloquent, but you get the point.

Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. ~James 1:27

Go. Give. Disobey. You choose.

Food For the Poor

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